Thursday, June 7, 2012

WOD 6/7

This is one tough ass WOD! Give it a shot!

12 Min AMRAP
Wearing a 40lb weight vest complete the following:

10 Kneeling Jump Squats (Start standing, Lower to knees one leg at a time and full extension at the top)
200m Row
10 One Arm Push-ups from feet (5 per arm and chest to ground)

Me: 5 Rounds Rx'd
Rob Mcphee: 4 Rounds (Mod one arm using medball and completed  from knees)

WOD 6/6

Lindsay Smith 2009 Crossfit Games

Strength WOD


BW 175lbs

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

WOD 6/5

20 min


Complete 3 Rounds of the following

8 Power Cleans 135
30 Reverse Hypers W/ 25lb Plate
15 KB Swings 1.5 Pood
100 Double Unders

My Time: 14:56
Phil Diprima: 17:50
Rob McPhee: 1836
Mark Langkos: 17:26

Saturday, June 2, 2012

WOD 6/2

Feeling pretty good after doing 450 GHD situps in Thursday's sit-up challange just two days ago. Was afraid I might need a wheelchair, but I set a new PR today instead. Love it!


Back Squat 225lbs
Handstand Pushups

My Time: 5:58