Tuesday, May 8, 2012

WOD 5/8

Chris Spealler, a small man with the strength of a bigger man, a bible tattoo on his chest, and a megawatt smile, lifted us all up on a Sunday afternoon and made us feel, for one bright, sunny afternoon, like life was fair.
~ Lisbeth Darsh

Arm, shoulder & hip Mobility                                              "Speal" by Crossfit Lisbeth

13 Min AMRAP

Wearing 40lb weighted vest complete the following:
5 Strict Pull-ups (From full hang and chin over bar)
10 One Arm Push-ups (5 per arm/ chest to floor and full extension at top)

Phil DiPrima: 6 Rounds + 5 Pushups + 3 Pullups (Mod two arm pushups and jumping pullups in later rds)

Me: 10 Rounds + 3 GHD + 2 Pull-Ups as rx'd

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