Thursday, May 3, 2012

WOD 5/2

It's been 14 months since undergoing surgery to reattach my Pec Major tendon to my shoulder using 4 titanium ancors and I must say, I feel amazing. Three top surgeons told me I would never be the same and that there would be no chance of regaining my prior strength and most certainly never be competitive again. Well, that's only because they had never heard of Crossfit, so I guess I cant blame 'em. So it makes me extremely happy when I say, that not only did I regain my prior strength, but I've increased it by a long shot. I was also told that I would always have discomfort in the shoulder when doing certain movements. Once again, I have had zero issues with it since month 2 and in fact, I actually have to look at my scar just to remember which pec it was at this point. Following this specific surgery, I was the only patient who has ever been released from ever attending mandatory PT and the fastest recovery they had ever seen. This is all thanks to my prior fitness level, my diet and Crossfit. Just another perfect example of the power of Crossfit and how it is changing our world for the better.....

Strength WOD:

Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5
80' Farmer's Carry Lunges with 100lbs (2-50lb) Kettlebells

Complete the Lunges immediately after each set of bench presses and then rest for two minutes before beginning next set.

Phil: 115/145/155/165/175f/135 (Mod Lunges w/35lbs dumbbells)

Me: 155/175/205/225/235/255

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