Thursday, May 17, 2012

WOD 5/17

Run 800m
Air Squats
Voodoo band work
Mobility work (Shoulders, wrist, hip and elbows)

21-15-9 Reps of
Ring Rollouts from knees (Chest to floor, but not resting in full plank & return to kneeling position)
Deadlift 185lbs

My Time: 5:25 Rx'd

Strength WOD
Ring Rollouts from standing position (advanced only)

Me: I did 4 sets of 5 from feet

How to do the Ring Rollouts
  1. Adjust rings so that in a full plank (arms extended overhead) your chest is just touches the floor floor. Should be approx. 2-4 inches from floor to bottom of rings. You can Adjust this height to alter difficulty (see below)
  2. Grip the gymnastics rings with hands just wider than shoulder-width apart in a ring push-up position.
  3. Slowly lower yourself forward in a controlled rollout, stretching out the torso as far as you can without compromising form. Arms will extend overhead in the lower plank position with chest only touching (not resting) on the floor.
  4. Stop when fully stretched and pause for 3 sec. 
  5. Maintain tension and proper form and return to the starting position without bending knees and repeat.

  • Adjust the height of the gymnastics rings to alter the difficulty of the exercise or you can do them from your knees. The closer you are to being parallel to the ground (full plank) at full stretch the more difficult the exercise becomes. 
  • Maintain tension throughout, engaging all muscles and drawing the naval into the spine.
  • Keep the movement slow and deliberate in standing position.  unless you're a total stud,  do them from your knees if Incorporating in a METCON for time.

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