Thursday, April 19, 2012

WOD 4/19

Feeling pretty good the last week. I'm still avoiding heavy cleans and pull-ups, allowing for my torn Flexor Tendon to heal properly. Besides the tendon, I'm continuing to progress every single week as I have for the past 2.5 years now with Crossfit. It truely is amazing to see the capabilities of Crossfit, regardless of age or disabilities. I feel 20x faster, better and stronger now, than I did at age 20...

Warm Up: 15min

Box Jumps 24" (Full extension at the top)
Handstand Push-ups (Head must touch floor or abmat if using plates)

Phil: 4:20 (mod last two sets of HSPU)
My Time: 3:10

Rest 5 Min then complete the following for time:

Libby DiBiase
100 Dips

Phil: 3:19 (heals down)
Me: 3:23 (full hang)

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