Tuesday, April 17, 2012

4/14 Tough Mudder

Tough Mudder Ohio/Michigan 2012

Time: 2h50m (Completing all 24 obstacles)

If you've never pushed yourself to your very outer limits, both mentally and physically, then you have no clue what it's really like to LIVE...

What an amazing weekend of teamwork and perseverance! I couldn't be more proud of our team for standing together and pushing until the very end. The bonds between us are forever strengthened thu this experience and we will continue to work as a team, just as we did before, pushing one another to be their very best regardless of the task at hand... I saw nothing but inspiration this weekend in all walks of life, from elderly & handicap to some using TM as the turning point for a better life. Amazing feeling, even in the rain and freezing cold weather!! I challenge everyone to use this type of mentality to supercharge your quality of life and for those around you. I promise, you'll never regret facing your fears or giving an absolute best effort in anything!! 

Team Ritchie: Mark Langkos, Phil DiPrima, Rob McPhee, Christy Curry, & Me

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