Saturday, April 21, 2012

WOD 4/21 and Bella

Let me start by saying, please read the story of Bella below her picture... Another awesome workout this morning! My tendon is feeling better and I'm feeling more hopeful that it will actually heal on it's own at this point. Gonna continue to avoid heavy cleans for another few weeks tho... Was great having Rob back with us after two months away and he rocked it enough to bring Mr Pukie around for an appearance, awesome! Phil and Mark also crushed it this morning as they always do! Way to go guys!

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. You are a leader"
~ John Quincy Adams      

Bella Rodriguez-Torres

Meet little Bella... Bella is the strongest, most brave soul that I've 
ever had the chance to know. Being diagnosed with cancer at 
age 4,she has an amazing story and has experienced more ups 
and downs from age 4 to 9, than most will endure in an entire 
lifetime. She remains a fighter and optimistic throughout all of 
this and has a personality and smile that melts the hearts of 
everyone around her. Her courage and strength have inspired 
me to become a better person and to really appreciate the word
perspective, taking nothing for granted. Because of what Bella 
has taught me, I feel compelled to continue telling her story and 
I ask that you please follow the above and get to know this amazing 
little girl for yourself and if possible, to help in the great cause setup 
in honor of her. You may also join the prayer group set up for her 
on Facebook at the link below. She has had a rough few months, 
so any extra prayers will help. Thank you!  :)

Warm-up: 25 min
Run 800m
15 Min on the heavy bag (Combos)
Shoulder Mobility 10min

Complete the following for time:
30 Deadlifts 245lbs (lower to ground)
50 Wall Balls 27lbs
50 Burpees
50 Pull-ups

Phil DiPrima: 13:30 (175lb DL)
Rob McPhee: 15:18 (175lb DL)
Mark Langkos: 14:47 as Rx'd
Me: 9:15 as Rx'd

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