Sunday, April 29, 2012

WOD 4/29

(2) 40lb Weighted vests, (1) 25lb bumper and (1) 5lb plate
Two more PR's to add to the board this morning with Phil Diprima and I both increasing our Strict Weighted Pullups. Flexor Tendon was a definitely a concern with weighted pullups putting a great amount of stress on it and I could feel it, but it never ended up being a big issue... Hallelujah! One more week of getting better in the books!

Strength WOD:
Strict Weighted Pullups
Phil: bwx3/10x3/20x3/30x2/40x1/50x1/60x1/70x1pr

My Body Weight: 180lbs
Phil's BW: 145lbs


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