Thursday, April 12, 2012

WOD 4/12

Looking forward to doing the Tough Mudder this weekend with some awesome friends and family! I'm proud of all of you for making the decision to take part in this event. Our goal is simple, to push one another and finish as a team, period! Let's do this! 

Wearing a 40lb vest, complete 4 Rounds of the following for time:
250m Row
Stair decent farmers carry 13 steps w/100lbs
8 Back Squats
Stair Ascent farmers carry 13 steps w/100lbs
20 Sec L-Sit

Phil DiPrima: 12:03 no vest, 70lb FC
Me: 11:54 
                                                         A picture truly speaks a thousand words...  
                                                                           Libby DiBiase

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