Sunday, April 22, 2012

WOD 4/22

Rough morning having been out all night watching UFC 145 with great friends. Completed this wod on 3 hrs of sleep, dehydrated and still feeling the effects of a several Italian Margaritas, lol. We have "NO EXCUSES" on this team tho. If you PLAY, then you must PAY. Trust me, with this kind of mentality, the play is always kept in check! Congrats to Mark for PRing on his unbroken double unders @87. Nice job, Mark!!

10 Min AMRAP
Complete as many rounds plus reps possible in 10 minutes of the following:

10 Push-Ups (chest and hip to floor and full ext at top)
10 Roll Outs (chest and hip to floor before returning to the top)
10 Air Squats
160m Sprint (.10 miles)
10 Sit-Ups (abmat)

Mark Langkos: 5 Rds+ 160m sprint + 10 Sit-ups
Me: 5 Rounds + 10 PU + 10 Roll Outs + 10 air squats + 80m sprint

Rest 5 min

Complete as many unbroken Double Unders as possible

Mark: 55-87pr then w/40lb vest did 7-7-10
Me: 73-60-110

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