Wednesday, May 9, 2012

WOD 5/9 Weighted Ring Dips

Great evening WOD with my bro Phil DiPrima! Both of us with new pr's to add to the books. Kind of bittersweet tho, as he is leaving tomorrow morning for his 2nd interview with a company in Charlotte, NC. With Michigan's economy in the toilet, I'm happy as hell for him and this opportunity, however we have grown to be best friends over the last year. He is also one of the greatest training partners on the planet and I'll surely miss him if he goes. It's all good though, he has promised that every Friday after work, he would make the trip back to Michigan (Phil's Map) and be ready for Sat and Sun morning WODs.. Yep, that's the kind of friend Phil is and it really shows just how dedicated he is to his team!! Haha! No, he's definitely dedicated, but he's actually gonna check out a few Crossfit gyms while he's there this weekend. That's right, forget the apartment, keep your priorities straight and lock down the gym first!! Love it!

Best of luck tomorrow, Phil!!!! Btw, don't mention anything about killing your WODs during your interview, they might not understand... lol

15 Min

500m Row 
Phil: 1:58
Kim: 2:08
My time: 1:34 (Max effort) due to my pulled right calf, I used mostly my left leg

Strength WOD

Weighted Ring Dips 
Establish your 1 rep max

Phil: 10x3/25x3/35x3/50x2/65x1/75x1/80x1/90x1 new pr

Me: 10x3/25x3/35x3/50x3/75x2/105x1/115x1/125x1/135x1/145x1 new pr

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