Monday, July 2, 2012

WOD 6/13


Weighted Ring Dips

25x3/35x2/50x2/75x2/105x1/115x2/145x1/150x1 and new PR

Thursday, June 7, 2012

WOD 6/7

This is one tough ass WOD! Give it a shot!

12 Min AMRAP
Wearing a 40lb weight vest complete the following:

10 Kneeling Jump Squats (Start standing, Lower to knees one leg at a time and full extension at the top)
200m Row
10 One Arm Push-ups from feet (5 per arm and chest to ground)

Me: 5 Rounds Rx'd
Rob Mcphee: 4 Rounds (Mod one arm using medball and completed  from knees)

WOD 6/6

Lindsay Smith 2009 Crossfit Games

Strength WOD


BW 175lbs

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

WOD 6/5

20 min


Complete 3 Rounds of the following

8 Power Cleans 135
30 Reverse Hypers W/ 25lb Plate
15 KB Swings 1.5 Pood
100 Double Unders

My Time: 14:56
Phil Diprima: 17:50
Rob McPhee: 1836
Mark Langkos: 17:26

Saturday, June 2, 2012

WOD 6/2

Feeling pretty good after doing 450 GHD situps in Thursday's sit-up challange just two days ago. Was afraid I might need a wheelchair, but I set a new PR today instead. Love it!


Back Squat 225lbs
Handstand Pushups

My Time: 5:58

Thursday, May 31, 2012

WOD 5/31

I Tore my Pec Major tendon in Jan of 2011 doing 1 rep max on the flat bench press, so I'm not a fan or advocate by any means. I do however feel it's been necessary in keeping my chest extra strong to avoid further or re-injury to myself. I'm very careful and through in my warm-up and will not lay down on the bench unless I feel plenty warm. I also am very strict with my grip, keeping it narrow and elbows very tight and close to my body. So far it has helped with my progress and have had zero issues with my previously injured pec.

Bench Press


Me: 95lb Warm-up x 10/165/185/205/225/255x2

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WOD 5/30

As part of the silly Facebook Sit-up challenge we ended up with 435 to do. So with my crazy thinking, I decided to really push the envelope and complete all GHD situps instead of regular situps. Why not right!?! Well going into this I was well aware of the dangers and consequences, but whats life without taking a risk every once in awhile. I am also well aware of what my body is capable of and was prepared to switch to reg situps at any point my body said so. Surprisingly enough it never did and not only did I do the 435 for the challenge, I decided to do an extra 15 to put me at the 450 mark. I do not advocate or recommend that anyone try this at any point...

450 GHD Situps for time

My Time: 63 Min
Phil DiPrima: 145 GHD and 290 Reg situps (Abmat)
Rob McPhee: 150 GHD

One Week Update: I'm happy to say that I suffered no Rabdo or serious DOMs what-so-ever. Actually trained the following morning and two days later set a new pr. I'll take it!