Monday, April 30, 2012

WOD 4/30

Pajama WOD!
20 min

500m Row
50 Push-ups (chest to floor and full ext. at the top)
50 Kneeling Jump Squats (Start from standing position and drop to kneeling one knee at a time)
250m Row
25 Push-ups
25 Kneeling Jump Squats
150m Row
15 Push-ups
15 Kneeling Jump Squats

Phil DiPrima: 14:14
Me: 12:59 (first 500m 1:40)

Kneeling Squat Jump Demo

Sunday, April 29, 2012

WOD 4/29

(2) 40lb Weighted vests, (1) 25lb bumper and (1) 5lb plate
Two more PR's to add to the board this morning with Phil Diprima and I both increasing our Strict Weighted Pullups. Flexor Tendon was a definitely a concern with weighted pullups putting a great amount of stress on it and I could feel it, but it never ended up being a big issue... Hallelujah! One more week of getting better in the books!

Strength WOD:
Strict Weighted Pullups
Phil: bwx3/10x3/20x3/30x2/40x1/50x1/60x1/70x1pr

My Body Weight: 180lbs
Phil's BW: 145lbs


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WOD 4/25

Was great finally doing heavy front squats today, I even set a new 25lb PR @ 310lbs. Pretty amazing since I haven't done a single heavy front squat since January. I have avoided them because the front rack position puts a ton of strain on my torn forearm flexor tendon. The tendon wasn't perfect today, but it felt pretty good compared to where I was a month ago. Congrats to Phil DiPrima for also setting a new huge PR @ 225lbs this morning!! Awesome job Phil!

Warm Up: 20min

Strength WOD:

Front Squat 

Me: 165x5/205x3/255x1/275x2/300x1/325f/310x1 for 25lbPR

Phil: 115x5/135x5/155x3/175x3/195x2/205x1/225x1 for new PR

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

WOD 4/24

Another great day of training with Phil DiPrima and Mark Langkos. Weather finally allowed us to take it outside for the first time in several weeks. Much rather be outside in the fresh air, than inside the gym. Tough WOD, but I really enjoyed this one, especially the 37" box jumps. If you're not accustom to the higher jumps, you'll definitely wanna scale the height down to something you can be consistent on, without injuring yourself.

                                                                                                    Strong is definitely sexy!
Tiffany Morris
Complete the following for time:

9   Box Jumps 37" (Stacked tires)
15 Ring Dips
15 Hang Power Snatch 95#
30 Double Unders
15 Box Jumps 37"
21 Ring Dips
21 Hang Power Snatch 95#
60 Double Unders
9   Box Jumps 37"
15 Ring Dips
15 Hang Power Snatch
30 Double Unders

My Time: 12:12

Phil DiPrima: 15:50 (65# power snatch)

Mark Langkos: 16:33

Monday, April 23, 2012

WOD 4/23

Awesome morning with Phil DiPrima setting 2 PR's and myself setting one. Gotta love PR's, they always brighten your day! Way to go Phil!

Warm Up:
Spealler Warm-up
Hip Mobility

Sumo Deadlift (5 Rep Max)

Phil DiPrima: 135-185-205x3-245x3PR-275x1PR Then Did 295lb Standard Deadlift for 20lbPR
Me: 135-185-255-275-345-395x5 for 5Rep max PR

What does your family do on the weekends? Far above math and manners, Teaching your loved ones the term "Longevity"in every aspect, will ultimately be your greatest gifts to them. With longevity comes great health, clarity, mental and physical strength, self respect, determination and the will to succeed, so the rest is sure to follow...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

WOD 4/22

Rough morning having been out all night watching UFC 145 with great friends. Completed this wod on 3 hrs of sleep, dehydrated and still feeling the effects of a several Italian Margaritas, lol. We have "NO EXCUSES" on this team tho. If you PLAY, then you must PAY. Trust me, with this kind of mentality, the play is always kept in check! Congrats to Mark for PRing on his unbroken double unders @87. Nice job, Mark!!

10 Min AMRAP
Complete as many rounds plus reps possible in 10 minutes of the following:

10 Push-Ups (chest and hip to floor and full ext at top)
10 Roll Outs (chest and hip to floor before returning to the top)
10 Air Squats
160m Sprint (.10 miles)
10 Sit-Ups (abmat)

Mark Langkos: 5 Rds+ 160m sprint + 10 Sit-ups
Me: 5 Rounds + 10 PU + 10 Roll Outs + 10 air squats + 80m sprint

Rest 5 min

Complete as many unbroken Double Unders as possible

Mark: 55-87pr then w/40lb vest did 7-7-10
Me: 73-60-110

Saturday, April 21, 2012

WOD 4/21 and Bella

Let me start by saying, please read the story of Bella below her picture... Another awesome workout this morning! My tendon is feeling better and I'm feeling more hopeful that it will actually heal on it's own at this point. Gonna continue to avoid heavy cleans for another few weeks tho... Was great having Rob back with us after two months away and he rocked it enough to bring Mr Pukie around for an appearance, awesome! Phil and Mark also crushed it this morning as they always do! Way to go guys!

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more. You are a leader"
~ John Quincy Adams      

Bella Rodriguez-Torres

Meet little Bella... Bella is the strongest, most brave soul that I've 
ever had the chance to know. Being diagnosed with cancer at 
age 4,she has an amazing story and has experienced more ups 
and downs from age 4 to 9, than most will endure in an entire 
lifetime. She remains a fighter and optimistic throughout all of 
this and has a personality and smile that melts the hearts of 
everyone around her. Her courage and strength have inspired 
me to become a better person and to really appreciate the word
perspective, taking nothing for granted. Because of what Bella 
has taught me, I feel compelled to continue telling her story and 
I ask that you please follow the above and get to know this amazing 
little girl for yourself and if possible, to help in the great cause setup 
in honor of her. You may also join the prayer group set up for her 
on Facebook at the link below. She has had a rough few months, 
so any extra prayers will help. Thank you!  :)

Warm-up: 25 min
Run 800m
15 Min on the heavy bag (Combos)
Shoulder Mobility 10min

Complete the following for time:
30 Deadlifts 245lbs (lower to ground)
50 Wall Balls 27lbs
50 Burpees
50 Pull-ups

Phil DiPrima: 13:30 (175lb DL)
Rob McPhee: 15:18 (175lb DL)
Mark Langkos: 14:47 as Rx'd
Me: 9:15 as Rx'd

Friday, April 20, 2012

WOD 4/20

Warm Up:
Shoulder and hip mobility


One Arm Barbell Power Snatch

Phil: 45lbs/55/65/75x4/85x2
Me: 45lbs/55/65/85/115x4/125x1

Thursday, April 19, 2012

WOD 4/19

Feeling pretty good the last week. I'm still avoiding heavy cleans and pull-ups, allowing for my torn Flexor Tendon to heal properly. Besides the tendon, I'm continuing to progress every single week as I have for the past 2.5 years now with Crossfit. It truely is amazing to see the capabilities of Crossfit, regardless of age or disabilities. I feel 20x faster, better and stronger now, than I did at age 20...

Warm Up: 15min

Box Jumps 24" (Full extension at the top)
Handstand Push-ups (Head must touch floor or abmat if using plates)

Phil: 4:20 (mod last two sets of HSPU)
My Time: 3:10

Rest 5 Min then complete the following for time:

Libby DiBiase
100 Dips

Phil: 3:19 (heals down)
Me: 3:23 (full hang)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

WOD 4/18

Awesome morning of training, adding a new 5lb PR to my back squat on my 3rd attempt. Hell Yeah!

Warm Up: 20 min

Strength Training:
Back Squat

Phil DiPrima: 135x3-145x3-175x3-195x2-215x1-230f-230f
Me:185x3-225x3-275x3-325x3-360f-360f-360x1 new 5lb PR

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

WOD 4/17

Complete 4 Rounds using the following rep scheme:

35-25-15-5 reps 
Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (40lb dumbbells)
Hand Release Push ups
Sit-ups (Abmat w/25lb plate to chest)

Phil DiPrima: 12:31 Cleans w/35lb dumbbells and sit-ups with no plate
My Time: 11:03 did rounds 2&4 on GHD w/25lb plate

My Daughter Sierra (age 8) doing a handstand on the beach 

4/14 Tough Mudder

Tough Mudder Ohio/Michigan 2012

Time: 2h50m (Completing all 24 obstacles)

If you've never pushed yourself to your very outer limits, both mentally and physically, then you have no clue what it's really like to LIVE...

What an amazing weekend of teamwork and perseverance! I couldn't be more proud of our team for standing together and pushing until the very end. The bonds between us are forever strengthened thu this experience and we will continue to work as a team, just as we did before, pushing one another to be their very best regardless of the task at hand... I saw nothing but inspiration this weekend in all walks of life, from elderly & handicap to some using TM as the turning point for a better life. Amazing feeling, even in the rain and freezing cold weather!! I challenge everyone to use this type of mentality to supercharge your quality of life and for those around you. I promise, you'll never regret facing your fears or giving an absolute best effort in anything!! 

Team Ritchie: Mark Langkos, Phil DiPrima, Rob McPhee, Christy Curry, & Me

Thursday, April 12, 2012

WOD 4/12

Looking forward to doing the Tough Mudder this weekend with some awesome friends and family! I'm proud of all of you for making the decision to take part in this event. Our goal is simple, to push one another and finish as a team, period! Let's do this! 

Wearing a 40lb vest, complete 4 Rounds of the following for time:
250m Row
Stair decent farmers carry 13 steps w/100lbs
8 Back Squats
Stair Ascent farmers carry 13 steps w/100lbs
20 Sec L-Sit

Phil DiPrima: 12:03 no vest, 70lb FC
Me: 11:54 
                                                         A picture truly speaks a thousand words...  
                                                                           Libby DiBiase

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

WOD 4/11

WOD 4/11

Warmup: 35 min
Hip, shoulder and forearm mobility

Complete 3 rounds of the following for time:
25 KB Swings 1.5pood
25 Burpees

Phil DiPrima: 8:38 45lb KB
My Time: 6:54

Pic of my son Tyler working his front squats (age 10)

WOD 4/10

Positive inspiration is a beautiful thing!! Please keep this in mind when making decisions in your life, as young eyes are always watching.. Set forth positive actions that will improve your life and theirs for the best...

WOD 4/10

Run 5k
Time: 22:05

Cool Down:
Jog 1.5k

Monday, April 9, 2012

WOD 4/9

WOD 4/9
10 Rounds of the following for time:
7 Pull-ups
7 Kettlebell Swings 1.5 pood
7 Dips

My Time: 11:33
Phil DiPrima: 12:01

Sunday, April 8, 2012

WOD 4/8

WOD 4/8

Strict Press: 5-5-5-5-5-5
Push Press: 3-2-2-1-1-1
Deadlift: 5-5-5-5-5

Congrats Phil DiPrima on the two PRs today!

Be sure to check out
Mobility WOD

Saturday, April 7, 2012

WOD 3/31

WOD 3/31
Complete the following for time:
800m Sprint
30 Pistols (15 per leg)
30 Hang Power Snatch
30 Sit-ups (abmat)
30 Burpees

Phil DiPrima: 11:10
Me: 9:38

WOD 4/4

Complete the Following for time:
Stationary Lunges w/100lbs
Double Unders
Sprint (.5-.3 & .2 Miles)

WOD 4/5

Strength WOD:

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3-3

Phil: 155-205-225-255x2-275x2-285x1pr
Jason: 155-255-275-325-365-415f

WOD 4/7

Complete the following for time:
50 Knees to Elbows
500m Row
50 Box Jumps
50 Push ups
.5 Mile Run

Phil DiPrima: 15:50
Me: 13:15

Knees to elbow Demo